Dianne Wenz

Dianne_withnameDianne Wenz, VLC, HHC, AADP is a Holistic Health Counselor, Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Plant-Based Nutrition Specialist. Dianne coaches people from across the country to help them improve their health and wellbeing, and she helps people make the dietary and lifestyle changes needed to go vegan. Dianne lives in New Jersey, where she runs the busy MeetUp group Montclair Vegans. Through the group she hosts monthly potlucks, runs charity bake sales and organizes guest speaker events. An avid cook and baker, Dianne also teaches cooking classes to local clients. She is a contributing writer to DevilGourmet.com, HotFromTheKettle.com, ChicVegan.com and VegKitchen.com, and her articles and recipes have been featured in Chickpea Magazine and T.O.F.U. Magazine.

To learn more, visit Dianne’s website and blog at www.VeggieGirl.com

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